Thursday, 28 February 2013

Book Review: Captain Underpants

Book: Captain Underpants
Author: Dave Pilkey


Really fun but a bit babyish. I would recommend it for year 5 and year 6. It has awesome flip-o-ramas!

I'd give it:   8 and a half   /10

Review by: IE 7B

Pupil librarian's display competition

Some of you may have seen our Pupil Librarians busy at work creating some new displays.

Ashley, Robert, Jack and Karl are all working on the displays; it's a competition between each other though!

What do you think makes a good Library display? Colour? Quotes? Book reviews? Let the lads know!

Have a look below at the National Libraries Day display which I (James) made:

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Holiday Fun

So, here's a question for you. Where is this quote from:

“There is something you should understand about the way I work. When you need me but do not want me, then I’ll stay.  When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go. "

Do you know? If so, write your answer in the comments section! :-)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Book Review: How to choose your a-levels

All our pupils in year 11 are currently thinking about their option after GCSEs. Many will continue into the sixth form, some may go to College and some may take an apprenticeship. 
It's often tricky deciding what you want to do/take. So many options and decisions- should I take history? Do you I enjoy music? How interesting and fascinating is Biology? What is the structure of A-level Georaphy like?
Well, if you're struggling to answer these questions, the how to choose your a-levels book is perfect for you. It has detailed information about subjects and a-levels in general.

Friday, 8 February 2013

National Libraries Day

Tomorrow is an important day in 'library world'. It's national Libraries Day!

National Libraries Day celebrates the great work which Libraries do all across the UK, in whichever form;- school libraries, public libraries, university libraries, special collections etc. Libraries are at a pivotal point in their time- many are closing and many are under threat from staff cuts. It was sad to see this article on The Guardian website: It shows the problem facing Libraries at the moment.....but lets look on the bright side:

Libraries are good. They aren't-they're amazing. When you step through the Library doors, you enter a world on knowledge, information, discovery and so much more. You've got you own trained Librarian to help you find the resources you require. There's no bias and no misleading information.

Libraries are great :-) And let National Libraries Day celebrate that!