Library Information

The King's School Library Information

The Library is currently located in the C.I.S Block, on the 1st floor, and consists of 3 rooms.


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 8.30 – 15.45

Closed 11:15-11:35 and 13:25-13:40


The Library has over 6000 fiction and non-fiction books, along with popular and curriculum magazines, 19 networked computers with a colour laser printer and a monochrome photocopier.
The Library is available for study, research and independent reading before school and at lunchtime. It can be booked by Staff for whole class use.

Lending rules
All students may borrow up to four items for two weeks at a time and these can be renewed. Students in the sixth form can borrow six items.
Books can be renewed and reserved via the Library Portal but overdue notices must be responded to immediately and in person. There are no fines but we expect that pupils and their families will support our aim to provide a broad range of up to date good quality resources for all by taking care of them and returning them promptly. DVD’s can be borrowed with a refundable deposit of £1.00.

Clubs & Events

The Library arranges for authors to visit and to talk about writing and run workshops.

Library Blog
Have a look at our Library blog: 
You'll find regular library news here, along with book reviews, the latest updates on books and reading related news. For contributions to the Library blog, please see James Kearney (Senior Pupil Librarian) at the Library Desk.

Library Portal
The Library Portal, available on school computers in the Internet Explorer favourites bar and in the Student Resources Drive, provides up-to date library news and access to our catalogue. Ask a member of the Library Staff for assistance.

There are a wide range of careers resources available in the library, located next to the Reference Library, and below the Kearney Collection. The Library Staff will be happy to locate these resources and offer guidance when necessary. For Sixth Formers, careers information is also available in the Sixth Form Study Centre.

Careers advice is also available from Dawn Wood, an independent Careers Consultant employed by the school. Appointments can be made through Mrs Hutchins in the Sixth Form Study Centre.

Library Shop
The Pupil Librarians run a small stationery shop selling pencils (10p, pens (15p), protractors (30p), etc. at very low prices. Enquire at the Library Desk.

Library Rules
  • Please leave your bags and coats in the storage units provided outside the Old School.
  • The Library is a food and drink free zone. If you wish to eat or drink please go to the Quad, Dining Hall or 6th Form Centre.
  • Please switch mobile phones and personal stereos off.
  • The School’s policy on Computer Use applies to the computers in the Library.
Library News
For Library News, have a look at our blog ( ), log into the library portal or have a look at our Library Newsletters, which are produced termly.

Book Reviews
Have you read a good (or not so good!) book recently? Why not write a review and we'll make you famous by featuring it in our termly library newsletter and posting it on the library blog! Just pick up a book review form from the Library desk.

Library Mission Statement
1. Support: To help students to develop the skills to access information efficiently and effectively; evaluate information critically and competently, and use it accurately and creatively, encouraging them to become independent learners.

2. Promote: To encourage reading to support the curriculum and reading for pleasure; to promote the Literacy strand of the KS3 Strategy by providing a broad range of fiction and non-fiction, both contemporary and classic; and to manage a rolling programme of new stock acquisitions which recognises the needs of both the reluctant and the vociferous reader in a wide choice of genre across the school.

3. Respond: To provide a proactive and responsive service tailored to the needs of pupils, staff and curriculum areas, supporting staff by both sourcing and managing resources both in print and electronic form.

Parental, Student and Staff Feedback
The Library Staff welcome feedback on the School Library provision, and we welcome suggestions for improvements to the LRC.

King's School Archives
The school has a small but significant archive with school photographs, uniforms, documents and memorabilia. The archive is managed by the Librarian, with volunteer Archivists, Sam Branson and Joyce Barnes, and Archives Assistant, James Kearney.

All accumulated material has been moved to a specific area designated as the Archives Room, Room 74 CIS. This material, together with additional items discovered and donated, is in the process of being sorted, accessioned, catalogued and packaged appropriately. An Accessions Register and Catalogue are being developed. Materials include:

  • Past uniforms
  • Governors' Minutes Books and various ledgers
  • Admission Registers (1838 onwards)- with indexes
  • Photographs- full school, sports etc.
  • Combined Cadet Force band equipment
  • Miscellaneous Examination and test results
  • Staff records
  • Past copies of Granthamian magazine
  • Yearly school lists
  • Maps and plans of the School
  • Transcripts and photographs of the Old School carvings
  • Miscellanous items deposited by old pupils
  • Copies of the WWI and WWII memorials
  • Copy of Fox's Deed, 1528
  • Items relating to Isaac Newton and Bishop Wand
  • Newton 350th Anniversary Dinner photographs
We welcome any contributions or donations to our archives, particularly pre World War II items. Visitors by prior appointment only.

Volunteer Archivists: Sam Branson & Joyce Barnes
Volunteer Archives Assistant: James Kearney

Updated: 13/08/2015 JAK