Wednesday, 6 October 2010

National Poetry Day

This Thursday is National Poetry Day which aims to celebrate poetry across the UK. The theme this year is HOME and we are inviting form groups in Years 7, 8 and 9 to take part in a poetry competition. We would like your form to work together as a group to create a poem entitled “Home”. You can create a tag poem in which each member of the form adds a line to the poem or you can work together as a group.
We would like representatives of each form to read their poem in the Library at 1pm on Thursday 7 October. We are hoping to be joined by the Head and members of the English Department who will decide which poem will win the box of chocolates!
What does 'home' mean to you - the building you live in, the place you came from, or a taste of home cooking?
Please encourage your form to take part and let Mrs Dawes know by morning break on Thursday if you have prepared a poem.

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