Monday, 1 November 2010

New fiction books in the Library

Welcome back! Hope you had a relaxing Half Term.

We have lots of brand new fiction books in the Library on loan from Barrowby and Grantham Children's Book Group to review for the Red House Children's Book Award 2011. To take part all you have to do is to nominate any book or novel first published in the UK during 2010 by rating it using the following options:
*Brilliant! A winner.
*Very good indeed. I'd definitely recommend it.
*Pretty good, better than most.
*Nothing special.
*Rubbish! Bury it in the garden.

You can nominate as many different titles as you like and nomination forms are available in the Library. 

Review 3 books and receive a merit; review 5 books and receive a free book from a selection kindly provided by Barrowby and Grantham Children's Book Group.

For further information about the Red House Book Awards go to:

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