Monday 12 July 2010

Young Newtons

The Young Newtons arrived in the Library today. Lead by visitor to the school, John Haden, a group of 35 Year 7s are working on a project to produce a book about Isaac Newton, in particular about his life at The King's School and at Woolsthorpe Manor. The Young Newtons were subdivided into Writers, Illustrators and Managers, each with a specific role to play and task to carry out for the production of the book.

This afternoon some of the Illustrators visited St Wulfram's Church in Grantham which is just across the road from the Old School Building. They were shown the Trigge Library which is a fascinating example of a chained library dating back to 1598. It was outside this church that Isaac Newton is reputed to have had a fight with fellow school boy, Arthur Storer who was to become his life long friend.

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