This review is a interview with a reader of the Skullduggery Pleasant series. Thomas Armson is a loyal reader of the series and the first to take out the book in the library, this was his view on the latest, exciting book in the series.
What was the book like to read?
“The series is deeply moving and extremely enjoyable to read.”
What is the basic plot around the latest book?
“Skullduggery is a detective who has a partner that is a descendant of an all-powerful ancient. They work in a secret magical community encountering every type of villain or monster on the way, but fate turns against them as Valkyrie discovers she has a dooming fate.” At this point I asked Tom not to give away too much of the plot.
Would you recommend it and how many stars would you give it?
“I recommend it to anybody who enjoys mystery and magic. 5 Stars."
Jack Shannon, Year 8